By Jamilu Uba Adamu As the beautiful game continues to captivate audiences worldwide, the importance of safety and security in football stadia cannot be overstated. In modern football administration, substantial investments are made to train security personnel on crowd control measures, ensuring spectators and players are safeguarded on match days. However, the reality in Nigeria is alarming. A stadium with a capacity of 18,000 was recently grossly overcrowded with nearly 30,000 football fans. The stark reality is that overcrowding, due to the overselling of tickets, poses a significant threat to the structural integrity of our dilapidated stadium stands. The consequences of a disaster are too catastrophic to contemplate. It is imperative that the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) takes proactive steps to address this ticking time bomb. The NPFL must encourage teams to educate fans, club officials, and security personnel on crowd control and ticket sales management. Thi...